TOPQuan Yin Meditation Practice Is the Direct Road to God, Feb. 19, 2025
Quan Yin Meditation Practice Is the Direct Road to God, Feb. 19, 2025
2025-02-23 15132 Zobrazenia
TOPSupreme Master TV Max - Maximalizujte svá požehnání doma, v práci a kdekoli jinde
Supreme Master TV Max - Maximalizujte svá požehnání doma, v práci a kdekoli jinde
2024-11-28 24824 Zobrazenia
TOPNejmocnější denní modlitba na kteroukoli dobu
Nejmocnější denní modlitba na kteroukoli dobu
2023-12-18 471911 Zobrazenia
Praktikování meditace Quan Yin je přímou cestou k Bohu, 6. část z 9
Praktikování meditace Quan Yin je přímou cestou k Bohu, 5. část z 9
By Combining Most Powerful Daily Prayer and Supreme Master TV Max, We Can Truly Fill the World with Light as Every Person Can Use Their Devices to Become a Healing Agent for the Planet
First Nations Celebrating the Return of Their Lands: Part 3 of a Multi-part Series
First Nations Celebrating the Return of Their Lands: Part 3 of a Multi-part Series
2025-03-04 69 Zobrazenia
Lady Freethinker - Ending Cruelty for All Beings, Part 2 of 2
Lady Freethinker - Ending Cruelty for All Beings, Part 2 of 2
2025-03-04 69 Zobrazenia
Praktikování meditace Quan Yin je přímou cestou k Bohu, 4. část z 9
Praktikování meditace Quan Yin je přímou cestou k Bohu, 4. část z 9
2025-03-04 1139 Zobrazenia
A Tip from Beloved Supreme Master Ching Hai (vegan) to Reduce Arsenic in Cooked Rice
A Tip from Beloved Supreme Master Ching Hai (vegan) to Reduce Arsenic in Cooked Rice
2025-03-03 1209 Zobrazenia
No Matter How Small a Group of People, If They Are Open to Trying Vegan Foods, We Will Just Do It, and Almighty God and Our Most Beloved Ultimate Master Will Make All Miracles Happen
Climate Change Vulnerability Around the World, Part 3 of a Multi-part Series
Climate Change Vulnerability Around the World, Part 3 of a Multi-part Series
2025-03-03 96 Zobrazenia