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Multi-part Series on Ancient Predictions about our Planet: Prophecy Part 277 - Prophecies by the German Seamstress Bertha Dudde

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“I will keep radiating Light down to Earth, for the darkness will continue to intensify before the end; but the Light will shine for anyone who desires it... He will enter the state of realization again because I Myself will initiate him into profound knowledge, which cannot be given to him from external sources, unless he accepts it from one of My messengers whom I have guided into this knowledge Myself....”

In the last episode, we learned from Ms. Dudde’s passages that Lord Jesus Christ (vegetarian) was God’s personification. On the concept of Trinity – the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit in Christianity, God also elaborated as follows:

“And now you will be able to understand that the mystery of the Trinity of God can be explained as follows: The Love of God has made Himself known to humankind as Father .... thus as the origin of humankind .... Love has bridged the separation of humankind from its Creator and has embodied Himself in a man, whose Spirit recognized his affiliation to God and Who was therefore as it were one with the Divine Father-Spirit.”

In a recent message to Supreme Master TV viewers, our Most Beloved Supreme Master Ching Hai (vegan) shed new light on the deeper meaning of the Trinity and the identity of Lord Jesus Christ.

“Why do we say the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit? I will explain now. See, the Father is this nameless Most High, God Almighty, who is omnipresent, omnipotent, omniscient, who is everything, in everything – except the demons, of course, because the demons have no substance, no soul, no heart, nothing. […]

God Almighty is the highest, and there is God’s Son. The system is like that. The Son, also called the Ultimate Master, is the only Son of God. When the Ultimate Master manifests Hirmself on the Earth, on the planet, in this world, then Hes has a physical body. Hes might not be born by conception between a man and a woman. Hes will just manifest Hirmself as such. Such as Jesus, who is truly the Son of God, and every other Master is just a Saint or Sage, who stem also from the Ultimate Master through the physical channel of the manifested Son of God on Earth. […]

And when the Son of God, who is the manifested Power of the Ultimate Master, became a so-called human on Earth, for example, or any other planet, then Hes can use like 90% of the Ultimate Master Power. But it’s almost the same as the Ultimate Master in Heaven. […]

And if we have met the Master, like Jesus, for example, oh my God, then you’re the best, the most lucky in the whole universes anywhere.

Through Bertha Dudde, God divulged Hiers plan of salvation to bring Light to Earth and let Hiers Word be heard till the end day, bestowing on humankind unimaginable Grace.

“I will keep radiating Light down to Earth, for the darkness will continue to intensify before the end; but the Light will shine for anyone who desires it... He will enter the state of realization again because I Myself will initiate him into profound knowledge, which cannot be given to him from external sources, unless he accepts it from one of My messengers whom I have guided into this knowledge Myself....”

“I have promised to stay with you until the end of the world.... And My Word will be heard by you, My living creation, as a sign of My presence.... The connection between your God and Creator of eternity and you, His beings having emerged from Him, will remain forever.... […] I reveal Myself through the Word....”

Our Most Beloved Supreme Master Ching Hai (vegan), whom many people have identified as the reincarnation of Lord Jesus Christ, has been giving initiation to sincere spiritual seekers after She attained complete enlightenment decades ago. Supreme Master Ching Hai teaches the Quan Yin Method of meditation that allows one to contemplate one’s inner Heavenly Light and Sound. At the time of initiation, Master enlightens people and enables them to see the inner Heavenly Light and hear God’s Word,” a sign that Supreme Master Ching Hai is God’s Messenger, a real Master, as Bertha Dudde prophesied.

And to see Heaven, we have to use Heaven faculty, Heaven eye. I am going to help you kick it open, and then you'll see God. God can manifest in Light, and Sound, which means ‘The Word’ in the Bible. The Word, that is Sound: the Word, the Language, the Vibration. In the old time they used this "Word." But actually, it's a vibration. So God manifests in two ways: Light; or the Vibration, the Sound, which we will hear similar to music. […] And the more we see the (inner Heavenly) Light, the more we hear this Word of God, the more we become closer to God – so close, so close, so close, that one day we recognize, ‘Ah, this is God!’”

“All the Masters must teach you ‘en-lighten-ment,’ must enlighten you, otherwise he’s not a real Master. (Yes, Master.) At the time of initiation, at least you see something of the (inner Heavenly) Light. If not, then, that master is not enlightened himself or herself.”

During and after initiation, our Association members (all vegans) are able to perceive various degrees of inner Heavenly Light and Sound, depending on individual spiritual, mental as well as physical conditions. Here are just a few examples:

“(At the time of initiation, I found the Kingdom of God within me. And I knew that the beautiful land that I had dreamed of as a child, and searched for as an adult, really did exist, but it was not here on this Earth. Since initiation, I’ve had both internal experiences of [Heavenly] Light and Sound and external experiences of the tremendous Love and Magnificence of God, the limitless Compassion and the over whelming Wisdom of God.)”

“(On the day of initiation, I had the experiences that Master mentioned. I truly experienced the [inner Heavenly] Light and the Sound described in the scriptures. I was so happy.)”

“(Dear Beloved Master Tim Qo Tu, I would like to share my experience with God. God awakened me in the form of immense Light. I couldn’t even open my eyes, I felt so warm and uplifted with smiles.)”

“(I would like to thank Master for Your Blessings and generosity to give me full initiation. I would like to tell You about my inner vision when I got initiated. The Power was so strong that it made me tremble and I saw and felt a beam of Light from the Moon shining down like the Power of God, which gave us heart-to-heart transmission.)” ETC…

Apart from the fact that they have the spiritual power to enlighten people and help them see the inner Heavenly Light, are there other ways we can distinguish a real Master from a false one? God left us clues in Hiers messages to Bertha Dudde.

“The true prophets proclaim My Word in its purest form, the false ones use My Word as well, yet they always pursue Earthly goals with it, trying to attain advantages, power and riches. Anyone who receives from Me will pass it on to his fellow human beings without demanding a reward for it, but those who ask for payment have not received the gift they distribute from Me. This, too, is a sign by which false Christs and prophets can be recognized, for spiritual gifts are priceless treasures which may never be valued in an Earthly way or they will judge the one who allows himself to be paid for them.”

Supreme Master Ching Hai has been imparting the Quan Yin Method of meditation and offering spiritual Teachings free of charge, without demanding any reward.

“I have found what the Buddha had found. I have found what Jesus had found. I have found what Lao Tzu, Confucius, and Plato, Socrates had found. And these things, I am willing to offer to you, all free of any condition, any bondage, any donation. All free of charge. Because these things I have discovered, you have it. It is yours; it’s not mine.”

Not only does Supreme Master Ching Hai not accept any payments or donations, She gives generously. Using earnings generated from Her artistic designs, creations, and vegan businesses, She has funded Supreme Master Television and has frequently contributed to various charitable organizations and individuals in need. ETC…

The extent of God’s Blessing and Grace we receive through initiation by an Ultimate Master and following Her to practice spiritually is more than we can comprehend.

“If you have any Master at all, who is highly elevated and enlightened, then your fortune is wow. You should be grateful because you are richer than any trillionaires on this planet. Multi-trillionaires, multi-zillionaires cannot be compared to you in worth.”

Fortunate were those who became disciples of Lord Jesus Christ when He was alive, and fortunate are the ones who are following the living Ultimate Master of our time. In our next episode, we will continue featuring God’s tireless work to save humanity as well as the dawning of a New Earth after the current period of purification as prophesied by Bertha Dudde.

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