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Exalted Womanhood, Part 9 of 20, Nov. 13, 2024

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Even if we go to Heaven, but a very short stay in Heaven, and then we have to go back to the life and death circle, recycling again and again to be all kinds of beings: even animal-people, suffering animal-people, and hell ghosts, and demons and all that. What good will it do us? So liberation is the real thing, is the best. Never become a slave again to this underworld. This world has been... One moment, I’ll ask first if I can tell you or not, just one moment. I’ll come back.

This world has been ruled by a lower race of beings, they look like serpents – the one that seduced Eve into eating the forbidden apple and even made her husband eat it with her. So both have become exiled from the Heaven of Bliss, Eden. And we, the humans are born from them and suffer the same. Very little happiness, a lot of suffering, even in this world – not to talk about hell yet.

And every little thing we do, every misdeed we do, is counted by this kind of serpent, kind of a very vicious race. They are not humans. They are not humans at all. They don’t have souls. They are not with God. They don’t care about anything that is good or moral, or Heavenly bliss, nothing. They just want to control, enslaving humanity into doing what they want and not always good things – just for their amusement, just for their own selfish existence.

So now, we, the Heavens and I, have been driving them out, a lot of them out already. But the humans’ karma cannot be lessened because of that. That is the thing. So that’s why I beg all of you, all this time, to repent for whatever you think you can repent for, whatever you think that you’ve done or thought of doing or even just thought about it but have not done it or talked about it that is not according to the Heavenly measurement – anything immoral, anything bad for others, anything selfish, anything stolen from others, anything that can hurt and harm others, including animal-people. And even trees and plants unnecessarily destroyed for your own selfish reasons or just for fun, like hunting, or chopping wood just to sell for some dollars, hurting the beings in the tree, who have nowhere to go. It hurts the tree as well, and hurts the world because the fewer trees, the more trouble for our world – less rain, less coolness, less reasonable temperatures, and the climate will keep rising up and up and up until we can’t bear it anymore.

Even if we stay and continue that way, we probably would have to dig holes underground to live, if we can still live. If we could have anything to live with, what with a lot of unprecedented floods that destroy so much property, so many farms, and so much agriculture. And on top of that, also together with that, somewhere else there is a drought.

Not just floods, but droughts. Both are destroying a lot of agricultural fields, and now we’re short of food. Maybe not in your city, not in your village, because probably your city, your village has a lot of virtuous people, morally fit people, or in their last life or many other lives have done something good. So the merit rebounds to you in this lifetime, and you live in a good area. But you never know how long that merit lasts.

Maybe now you see other villages destroyed and yours is OK, but you don’t know when yours is next. So please be vigilant. Please be virtuous. Just be vegan, repentant. Remember and thank God. Thank all the Masters. It’s not difficult. Please do it. I say this out of love from my heart. Heaven and Earth are my Witnesses. Even hell knows what I mean.

I love all of you, even the ones who talk bad about me, the ones who lie about me, the ones who harm me in different ways. You just do your bad job, that’s all. You’re just ignorant and don’t know who is who. Of course not. When the Buddha was born, He looked just like another human – maybe a princely human, but a human. I was born with not even a prince title. So, how could you even know who I am?

But I’m telling you, I’m not lying to you, I am Maitreya Buddha. And in Christianity, they call me Lord Jesus returned. God asked me to inform you of that, and if I’m lying to you now, may my life be forever destroyed and never be a human even, or animal-person, or insect even again. God Almighty is my Highest Witness. All the Buddhas are my witnesses. All the Kings in Heavens are my witnesses. Or even the demons and devils and zealous ghosts and even Mara are my witnesses. They all know who I am.

I don’t blame you if you don’t know me. But please, try not to slander me, because that karma is too heavy even for me to rescue you. Please don’t. I’m not doing any harm to anyone at all. I don’t harm anyone! I am Christ returned. I am Maitreya Buddha. So please stop slandering me, even just in your heart and nobody knows, to save your soul. Even then, I will not punish you in any way. I still will try to rescue you. But it’s not I alone who can decide that. There’s God Almighty, there are Heaven’s laws, there are hells, there’s the Mara King, who will not blink his eyes and forgive your bad deeds. Slandering a real Buddha is the worst crime you can commit. Please stop it. It doesn’t hurt me, it’s just, it will hurt you. I’m telling you the truth out of love.

Even demons harm me, witches harm me, and I always try to bless them and pray for them because they just don’t know. How can anyone know everything? They’ve also been poisoned by society, by preconceived ideas and concepts about what the Buddhas would look like and all the Buddhas should be men and not women. Oh my God! If all the Buddhas are attached to a male body, then I don’t think a Buddha is worth anything if He chooses a male body instead of a woman’s body.

The Buddha can choose any body in order to help the world. We have also another female Buddha named Phật Mẫu Chuẩn Đề. It means Mother Buddha Chuẩn Đề I forgot the Sanskrit name. And at this time, Maitreya Buddha chose a woman’s body, even from a dead, borrowed body, to work for the world. Not like a perfect six-foot tall body with a beard, whatever; you can see. The 32 marks of a Buddha are invisible. It’s not like there is a tattoo mark that is permanent on the skin or anywhere. You must have the Third Eye open, the Buddha’s Eye open, the Wisdom Eye open in order to see all that.

That’s why many of my so-called God’s disciples believe in me, because they see something from me, and they progress in their spiritual practice. They have Heaven and Earth and even hell experiences inside, or sometimes even outside with open eyes. And their lives are getting better. They can see the Buddhas, they can see Christ, they can see all the Prophets, like Prophet Muhammad, for example, Peace Be Upon Him. They can see other Saints and Sages, because I give them that correct way to practice, to go Heavenward. That’s why they have all these favorable, inner spiritual experiences. Many people have to die by accident, by heart attack, and by all kinds of things happening to their lives in order to have a near-death experience, so that they can fleetingly see Heaven’s scenery, or see the Saints and Sages, see the Buddhas, see Jesus Christ, see the Prophets, for example. My so-called God’s disciples see that without having to die, without having to suffer.

If I am such a bad person, a bad being teaching them the wrong way, how would they, most of them, have so many Heavenly experiences and bliss in this physical life as well? Their life becomes more and more perfect. Their soul becomes more and more near to Buddha’s Land, to Heavens, to Home, their real Home.

So I don’t harm anybody. So please, you do not need to slander me. And if you even claim that you have seen Amitābha Buddha’s Land like you see the line on your palm, then ask Amitābha Buddha about my ID, who is Supreme Master Ching Hai? Then, if you really see Amitābha Buddha, I doubt that you would ever slander me or doubt me or suspect that I am a bad practitioner. If you really can see Buddha’s Land like that, then you are one of the Buddha’s citizens in His Land already. Then you must know more. The Buddha must have told you about me. Then surely you would have been my friend, advocate for me, and be in my fold.

And if the Buddha didn’t tell you about me, that means you have not been there. Or, you did not tell the truth. You just lied about seeing the Buddha’s Land so that followers will worship you and listen to you, offering material things to you. I am very sorry. You made a really, really bad, bad, bad, bad mistake. You will bear that karma so badly in hell. Well, if not in hell, then in the zealous demonic worlds, where they will chase you, where they will harass you forever.

My God, I wish for all the Buddhas to forgive you. I wish Heaven forgives you so that you can redeem yourself one day. If you are still alive and committed this kind of mistake, please U-turn, repent, ask the Buddhas, ask God to forgive you, and truly dedicate your life to practicing sincerely with your heart, purely just to redeem yourself and to liberate yourself from the cycle of birth and death, from suffering again and again and again. May God bless you. Amen. A Di Đà Phật (Amitabha Buddha)!

Photo Caption: “The Love of the Moon” “Original, unaltered photo of the Moon in front of my place, when I was trying to find a right angle, difficult through tree branches. Almost gave up, but still clicked any way, then the Moon showed LOVE with such a clear heart and the two loving eyes, though in foggy forest night. I was sooo touched. In tears!” Photography and caption-note by Supreme Master Ching Hai (vegan) November 15, 2024

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