
사랑 가득한 시후 ~ 칭하이 무상사와 함께한 추석 축하행사 4부작 중 2부

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Indian food, spicy food, salty food is not for dogs. Maybe once every little while, very long while, a little bit, OK? Yeah. When they’re young they can adjust, they can afford it, just a little bit but only rarely, understand that? It’s better maybe give him some healthy (vegan) snacks, if you have. But sometimes in the celebration maybe you don’t have it for the dog, then maybe you give him a little bit, otherwise no. Especially older dogs, they cannot adjust. And if you can afford it, you make his room, his area clean like you would sleep there yourself, and everything that he eats just like as if you can use it to eat yourself. The floor has to be as if you can lay there yourself. That’s where my dog stays.

You don't say dogs don't understand. They do, everything. Even they speak Chinese, and Thai and Korean, they understand everything. Only we are the dumb ones. You guys are more numerous and important, so you win. I am very sorry for having neglected the dogs. I brought him back through many risks and he ends up sick like that. Before coming back he already fell sick, until now. After entering quarantine, he started to fall ill on the second day. The atmosphere was different. He is very sensitive. He is a spiritual dog, not an ordinary dog. So he absorbs bad karma from the surroundings. He helps people who treated him well by absorbing their bad karma.
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